RyzenbergOn: Gucci S/S 2012 — Milan Fashion Week

I anxiously awaited this collection, because I admire Frida Giannini and think her work is marvelous. However, I must say, this collection left me wanting more. 

Sure, the retro feel to the 1920s (fringes galore) is great and individually the pieces make sense, the collection per se had me wondering, what happened to bright colors? Why is everything so dressy? It didn’t have that ‘vacationing in Capri’ feel I wanted to get and it was too serious.

To me, it felt more like a Fall collection and I just thought it was a bit too dark. None the less, I think the craftmanship looks divine, it’s just doesn’t scream ‘Spring Fling.’

Sorry Frida, I still love you and Happy 90th birthday Gucci. You’ve certainly come a long way since your early beginnings in horseback gear!

Ryzenberg On, is signing off. 

Check out Vogue Italia for the complete collection.

Photos: Vogue Italia


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