Ryzenberg On: The Fashion Legacy Steve Jobs Left Behind 

When it comes to fashionable personalities, perhaps Coco Chanel, Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly come to mind. Steve Jobs is certainly not on that list — although his look is in fact ICONIC.

Whenever Mr. Jobs made a product announcement, whether it was a new device that brought the term ‘smart phone’ to a whole new dimension or an iPad that caused a frenzy upon arrival, one thing was for certain: The iGenius would wear a pair of Levi’s jeans, a black mock turtle neck by St. Croix and white New Balance sneakers.

Sounds boring? iAbsolutely! Yet, the day after Jobs passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, sales of the $175 turtle neck went up a WHOPING 100 percent and proceeds went to charity.

I guess sometimes fashionistas are born by accident. No matter what his intensions were, Jobs had a signature look, not exactly of sartorial elegance, that left a mark in pop culture. He won’t be remembered for his wardrobe choices (nor do I expect him) but he certainly brings iGeek to a whole new level.

Jobs may serve as inspiration for future Silicon Valley tycoons, ready to change the world and create gadgets and platforms that perhaps will help us mere bloggers, write, communicate, illustrate and display our fruits of labor more effectively (Mr. Zuckerberg, take note).

His legendary career is an inspiration for anyone who refuses to settle for the norm and chooses a path that may, to many, seem impossible to achieve. This is my way to pay homage to man who displayed a passion most fear to show, and for years I’ve commented about his outfits.

For a fashion blogger like myself who doesn’t really understand the Basics of C++ or product development, I drew close to his choice of denim and turtlenecks, also making him somewhat approachable and not a stuffed up man wearing a suit.

So I guess a new term a la Apple can be coined: iChic!

Ryzenberg On, is signing off. 

PHOTOS: Associated Press


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