Ryzenberg On: Tennant & Testino Take Over Peru

It is no secret that when it comes to fashion photographers, Mario Testino is one of the most sought after. But I can’t help it but get all giddy when I see my paisano, along with British beauty Stella Tenant on the September 2012 Vogue issue.

Big deal indeed! Why, you might ask? Because despite hundreds of covers, features, editorials and campaigns, this spread truly depicts what Peru is ALL about — a mixture of cultures, old and new, colors, traditions and histories.

When I first saw this, I felt as if I was reading Ricardo Palma’s ‘Tradiciones Peruanas,’ a series of stories about Peruvian life and ideals that first appeared in the 1850s. It is very  beautiful, yet poignant in showing how class systems and social inequality exists, despite coming a long way since the turn of the 20th century.

The ensembles are breathtaking and it feels like a museum exhibit. The combination of textures, colors, baubles and styles really makes Tennant shine!

Seriously, we’ve come a long way baby!

Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off

PHOTOS: FashionEditorials.com


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