Tacori Royalty Treatment

Diamonds — for some they are friends while for others foes. Usually the karats I come across with are more like ‘carrots,’ so when I had the chance to get up close and personal with Tacori and its wonders, I simply said, ‘sign me up.’

Here is the deal: As I walked to meet the brands during Lucky FABB, I was blindly stopped at the iconic jeweler’s corner by its exquisite collection of baubles. At first, I was a bit bashful and simply chatted with the brand reps and Senior Vice President of Marketing and PR Michelle Adorjan, while I of course, oooeed and ahhheed at every piece present.

Shortly afterwards, I decided to feel the baubles and even asked if I could try them on. Expecting a ‘no, they are just here to be looked at,’ I was majorly surprised when Michelle shared the fact that no one at the conference had tried on this $500,000 hexagon-shaped diamond necklace. I must add that Kate Beckinsale wore the earrings from this set to the 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party, where she looked like a million bucks!

Needless to say, all bashfulness was out the door and I played princess for five minutes. What an unforgettable experience and it’s oh so hard to forget. Of course, my gal Amy of Amy’s Vintage Closet documented the act and soon after we dubbed the Tacori area, the “Yolo Lounge” because, after all, You Only Live Once.

This could very well be the only chance I will have to become besties with the diamonds, so made it a memorable one.


Holding Precious Cargo: Michelle and I chatting about the half a million dollar bauble and she was like ‘feel how light it is.’


A Girl Can Dream: Ryzenberg On’s Holly Golightly moment!


Step and Repeat: Sporting the beauty and showing its versatility! I mean, casual or glam — this is one piece de resistance sure to be a show stopper.


Yolo: We had to! I mean this girl witness my oh, la la moment and


Token of Love: Though the diamonds went back to where they belong (a vault, I assume), I was received this little treat on the mail just a few days ago. Thank you Tacori for such an unforgettable experience and I look forward to more shining moments and milestones with you alls.

Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off

*Stay tuned for more brand highlights from LuckyFABB. Some of the brands and people I met will become staples of the dog-and-pony show!



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