Ryzenberg On: Sprucin’ it up
Whoever said fashionistas don’t eat clearly hasn’t met me! Because in all honesty, I can chow it like the best of them.
I had one incredible meal last night at San Francisco’s Spruce restaurant, which is known for its burgers. I of course caved in and even went all out by adding a fried egg as a topping! The result: A divine encounter that made my taste buds tingle like a teenager.
As if that wasn’t enough for decadence, I ended my experience with frozen key lime pie — which seriously tasted straight out of the Sunshine State!
It was one dinner I will hopefully replicate soon, because it was more like an experience. I am salivating again just thinking about it.
Hope you all have a great weekend filled with indulgences.
Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off