Ryzenberg On: Best Foot Forward

Hello, Hello — Back from a bit of a hiatus

I know it’s been a few weeks since I last posted, but between the new gig, some mishaps at the new place and the Jewish New Year, things got a bit nutty, but I am back just in time to recap the rest of ‘Fashion Month’ and what I have been falling for lately.

Oh yeah. I will also have my favorite Emmy picks (I know, I am tardy for the party) but it’s better late than never and with all that being said, I am ready to step it up!

So, I leave you with one of the fiercest footwear shots I found from NYFW (we already established that I am a bit behind, I know, I know) but alas, who can resist these choos!

Color blocking in the middle, a bit of metallics to the right and black & white to the left….This makes me want to skip boot season and Spring forward!

So happy to be back and I am chock full of shenanigans, so do come back!

Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off

PHOTO: Tommy Ton for Style.com


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