Adventures in Georgetown

You already saw what I wore, now relive my favorite tidbits from the Georgetown adventure earlier this month.

What I love about this little piece of history (and let’s not forget the Hoyas are a long-time rival of my beloved Orange) is that it’s a half college town, half booming business area filled with shops, cafes and even some art galleries.

For me, what makes it all charming is the architecture — that quintessential colonial style that is present in every building, window and even lamp post!

Another fantastic find was the store Jack Wills, a British import that is a Mecca for all things preppy. Rugby tees? Yup. Stripes? Obviously. Bright colors? Indeed. The stores are East Coast only (hopefully for now) but it is a wonderful enclave if you want to feel collegiate and adore that preppy, Ivy League style that sometimes doesn’t have the best stigma.

I can’t wait to go back and check out what they have to offer for fall and winter, and as for now, they are not going the Abercrombie route of pre-pubescent scantly clad models! Also, they are wallet friendly and often have good sales.

If you reside anywhere else than the original 13 colonies, they offer e-commerce and good shipping deals, so shop away.

Another Georgetown highlight? The food, of course. I was reunited with good friends from college Mark and John and we made a beeline to Sprinkles and indulged in some of their tasty treats. I also made a stop at Paul’s a fantastic Parisian-style bakery with delicious hot chocolate.

If you look very closely on the first image, you will see my girl Sarica smiling at the camera! Congrats on your official Ryzenberg On front of the camera cameo.

Want to know where I am going next? Be sure to come back and learn about my latest travel shenanigans.

Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off


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