Ryzenberg: NYE Miami Vibe

If there is one thing 2012 has already taught me is that the best things are often unplanned and spontaneous! When I originally decided to spend new year’s in Miami, I was determined to stay home, watch the ball drop and hit the sack at 12:15a.

Well, let’s just say the 305 is notorious for bringing me back to my South Beach days and I welcomed 2012 in style (well, more like lots of color, ruffles and high heels)

I went with my cousin Vera (pictured above) to a dinner party and then a gathering to ring in the new year. I told my ‘somewhat’ color hesitant cousin to take a risk and pair mustard with teal! I know this combination looks more like college football colors, but it really works. The shirt brought out her blue eyes and the skirt looked elegant, yet fun for NYE. This, ladies and gentlemen, is color blocking at its finest; and the purple pumps add an edgy punch to the whole ensemble.

The skirt and top are from Forever 21, so if you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on trendy pieces, check out H&M and even Zara for some killer alternatives.

As for my look, I wanted to represent my larger-than-life personality and Miami is the perfect place for that. I picked an A/X skirt I bought years ago, (on sale, of course) and paired it with a coral resort-like top from Bloomingdales. As for the shoes, I too, opted for purple pumps and loved how it brought out all of the colors from the skirt! Ruffles, flowers and pumps, oh my!

After saying hola to 2012, we went to a bar with lots of great people and mingled for a bit. Saw all sorts of fantastic people and it was great! Really a perfect NYE, even if it involed staying out until 5 a.m. and withstanding heels with a bruised toe!

Ryzenberg On, is Signing Off


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