Ratings Gold of Olympic Proportions


It was only a matter of time. When I learned Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte was getting his own reality show on E!, (Is anyone surprised? I mean this network, after all, made the Kardashians a household name) I knew this had ratings gold written all over it. JEAH!

Needless to say after two episodes, I am not only hooked, but I find this prince of the pool to be rather endearing. Yes, I am fully aware that he might not know the difference between a head of state and a head of lettuce, but there is a sweet, genuine quality that makes him not only believable, but only approachable.

Watching the show left me thinking (not going to lie) about people calling him ‘dumb as rocks.’ Yes, he might not be the most eloquent when it comes to speaking, but he is in fact a superb athlete. So far, Ryan has represented the U.S. in three Olympics and hopes to qualify for the Rio games in 2016. In order to be a decorated athlete,  one needs to be disciplined, have self confidence and tenacity — and Mr. Lochte surely possesses all of those (as well a sporting a killer set of abs).

I love how sincere he really comes on-camera (granted, it could all very well be a shtick to be famous) but though I can’t say I will watch it on a regular basis, (I pondered how would they come up with material) it’s nice, mindless entertainment that is completely harmless. Also, he is not so hard on the eyes, so anything that has a hot guy parading around in a Speedo will probably get my attention.

This kid has a lot to offer and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of him — and not just in the pool or on Wheaties  boxes. He actively lobbies for muscular dystrophy research on Capitol Hill and dreams of a career in fashion (OK, the latter one will be interesting to see develop) but if his dedication is anything like we’ve seen during races, he’ll go all the way.

A few things I learned from the first episode:


At first I thought this show would be best if watched on mute, but boy was I wrong!


He is a mamma’s boy! I mean, that alone melts my heart.


He wears fun sunnies! Sold


Love that he makes words out of his last name! His posse is the ‘Lochterage’


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