Ryzenberg On: Versace for H&M Already Causing Chaos

It’s about 6 p.m. on Friday and people in San Francisco are already lined up and ready to brave the rain (AGAIN) for the much-anticipated Versace for H&M collection. The same goes for Toronto, New York and most likely any other city that’s carrying the coveted bright ensembles.

However, the collection already debuted overseas and it caused quite a ruccus. Fights broke in China, the website crashed in Europe and even leader of the pack Donatella made a cameo appearance at the Regent Square store in London. 

It was so crazy, items sold out in 30 minutes in Shanghai and Dubai. Wow, I never thought one needed a war reporting background to snag one of these sought-after items — until I decided to experience it all for the Love of Lanvin!

After braving the cold and the rain last year for more than 10 hours, I can offer a few words of advice to those seeking to own designer capsule collections for a fraction of the price.

Be Patient: It’s going to be a long night. Expect lots of drunks to walk by, homeless people and even some wondering what’s going on. Oh yeah, please be aware that some might even ask if you are waiting to go get a new iPhone or for tickets for the latest Twilight movie. Once you are given a bracelet (if you are amongst the first 280 people in line) you are free to roam the streets until your group is ready to go.

Bring lots of layers: It will get freezing (no matter where you are) so bring lots of coats, scarves and warm sweaters. Since H&M employees are connoseurs of this shenanigan, at around 6 a.m. they will come out with coffee and cookies (and even free shwag)

Go to the bathroom early: See if there is a hotel nearby or somewhere that you can go and freshen up. After 1 a.m. restaurants begin to close and it’s going to be impossible to find a loo. If you can hold it in, some delis and coffee shops start opening at 5 a.m.

Entertainment is a must: Charge your computer, iPhone, Droid, BlackBerry, bring an iPad. You must have some sort of entertainment. Magazines, Sudoku — anything.

Food — another necessity: Have snacks especially if you can’t sleep at like 4 a.m. I remember at the H&M I was at in San Francisco, the Starbucks across the street opened at 5 a.m. and I ran to grab some tea.

Comfty clothes: This is a no-brainer one. I mean, it gets cold, you are out all the time and once your group is in, it’s going to feel like a jungle in there. Remember you are going to be running and (hopefully not) fighting for the items, so this is not the time to wear your old Jimmy Choos from their collaboration in 2009. 

Have a strategy: Treat this like a sport. Prepare like you are ultimately going for a Super Bowl ring. Have a list of items you want ready and pay attention to where the things are. Obviously it helps if you know the store well, but even if you don’t just ask the sales assistants and they will be happy to help. 

Act Quick: Some things are going to go in SECONDS. I remember the Lanvin sunglasses sold out in 15 minutes. If you see something that perhaps you didn’t plan on buying grab it anyway, then make up your mind at the register or give it to someone who does want it. 

Have fun: This is a fun opportunity that’s sure to be a conversation starter and people are going to want to know how it’s like. Watch the video below to see my adventure!

For complete rules, click here

Check out the entire collection here

Ryzenberg On, is Signing off


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